Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sedona Jazz at the Church - Inner Journeys Concert Saturday Night!!

Tickets for next Saturday's concert with Inner Journeys Trio (Bob Ravenscroft, Piano; Dwight Kilian, Bass; Rob Moore, Drums) are on sale now, and can be purchased online on the JAZZ PAGE.

For more information on the trio, consult the above link, and also check out the website
Music Serving the Word, as ALL the members of trio are involved in that ministry.

And for future reference, on the Sunday before our concerts, we always have tickets available at the Church, and those who attend the Masses that day can get a 10% discount if they buy their tickets after the services!!! How benevolently cool can you get, eh?

Tickets are also available at the Church this week, Monday through Friday, from 10:00 am until 12 Noon.

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